Part of my formal education was two years as a master debater in high school.
(Single most valuable academic training that I ever received BTW) The instructor suggested that
"The next best thing about arguing & winning -- is arguing and losing" It's a great perspective.
The audio forums I follow frequently erupt. Most are confusions of fact versus opinion. GEEK measures something under a very specific set of conditions.
(FACT) He then proceeds to interpret the results for the masses
(OPINION). DWEEB disagrees with the interpretation and attacks the "science", or the competence of GEEK. It usually deteriorates into a war. Other DWEEBs & GEEKs line up to defend their guy. Often it becomes a war of attrition. Winner is declared by the preponderance of opinion, or the last combatant to post. Usually there are a few souls who are offended by the lack of mellowness and vow to never post again.
[See all the combatants here] I find the wars entertaining. No science (measurements) will ever be a perfect match to
my reality. If
I disagree, I can always find a parameter that the geek didn't test.
I can always make up facts/explanations to support my opinions. It's debate because nobody can "prove" anything, ever. Nobody (not even me) is right all the time. Nobody is completely objective - the best you can do is "fair".
Bad science is done by good people. Evil people can do good science. Facts don't always matter, nor are they always "true".
(see Intelligent Design) Not everybody who disagrees with you is wrong. It ain't personal. At least it shouldn't be. Relax, enjoy the stimulation of the challenge.